

讲座主题:Solar ultraviolet radiation inhibited copepod Acartia spinicauda feeding and induced mortality, and this damage was exacerbated by elevated pCO2




讲座简介:Solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is known to impact zooplankton. However, little has been documented on the combined impacts of UVR and elevated pCO2. Here we showed that when exposed to solar UVR, the copepod Acartia spinicauda fed and survived less, though it could sense it and possess the capability to escape from UV-exposed areas. While both UV-B and UV-A impacted the copepod, it was more sensitive to UV-B. The exposure to UV-B (2.25 W·m-2, 4 h) decreased its grazing rate by about 55% and reduced its survival rate by 51% compared to visible light alone treatment even after 68 h recovery. The combination of elevated pCO2 (1000 μatm) and the UV-B decreased about 73% in the grazing rate and 65% in survival rate. It is concluded that the acidic stress associated with elevated CO2 exacerbated the lethal effects of UVR on A. spinicauda, for which decreased grazing rates and increased respiration rates should be responsible. Our results imply that the copepod suffers more from exposure to solar UVR under progressive ocean acidification.
